Hey been a while...
The adventure continue... Apologies ... been out for a while. A few things have changed,and a few are still the same. So let's get into: First, yes I am still mining in NullSec. Great place to mine, great ore, great adventures (even when you don't want them), and great place to make ISK. I have been piloting the Rorqual when Pankrab is green. I could stay out in max tank in yellow but then the boosts suck. And that is what I wanted to chat about today. Some numbers from my Porpoise versus my Rorqual. Porpoise: 103.1% Range Bonus 31KM range 38.7% Duration Reduction Porpoise Sieged: 110.9& Range Bonus 50KM range 41.6% Duration Reduction Rorqual Sieged: 157.5% Range Bonus Forever ...