Saturday Mining...
Something nice about getting up while it is still dark and hitting some roids in peace and quiet. I finished off a Colossal Potent Asteroid Cluster last night and woke up to a respawn. So I shifted some plans around to do Planetary Interaction (ugggh) and headed to the belt to see if any Mercoxit was up. Yeppers, pristine belt so I started to hit it. Here is a scan after I had most of the Crokite and all of the Mercoxit asteroids down:
Yep was to be a long day on the anomaly. But then two corporation rorquals showed up and an additional high skill Hulk.
This is what it looked like once the fleet started massing. The Rorquals were getting through it:
The other miners had to bail for a Strategic Operation which turned into a fleet of several trillion ISK worth of ships. I finished off the Colossal Anomaly and then went to work on a Large one that I started hitting yesterday. Did a quick empty of my mining hold and went to work making the asteroids go away. In short order and a few visits from NPCs later I had cleaned up the 6-8 remaining asteroids from the large one. So, let's go visit the medium one so I can share the newly respawned colossal anomaly with the corporation.
This belt is smaller and has Pyroxeres asteroids that you can find in High Security and Low Security space. But it comes in handy down in NullSec as well.
These were smaller asteroids and were dropping quick. Which is good so I can get to the respawned colossal anomaly with its Mercoxit!!!
Finished mining, did a few contracts and thought I was going to get my first Paladin Marauder... only to discover that while I had Marauder skills I still needed Battleship IV and V to unlock it. Expensive lesson as I tied up 1.4 Billion ISK in a ship I can't drive for a month or so. Oh well, live and learn.
Anyway, let's wrap this one up. Be safe, Fly/Mine Dangerously.
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