Survival tips to not lose ISK in Null Sec

 1. Never leave your fleet on grid for that one second you think you need to get a snack!!!  Lost two hulks on Sunday after going a week with out losing ships.

2. Dock up if you need to be away for even just a minute. Docked ships don't require you to be grumpy at your self for squandering hours of mining to replace ships. If you can't be focused don't be on the belt/ore anomaly/in space risking millions of ISK for a fleet of up to seven ships.

3. Don't over react and extract skills after a set back... yeah, let's not talk about it. But to suffice to say I extracted quite a bit of my mining skills on several of my indentured mining toons... guess what they are doing right now? Pain shakenly grinding back up those skills. Plus side, I did get skilled into my Rorqual on Yucca and Harris is now a Cynosaural field trained toon. BTW, I had a lot of skill points.

4. Take ownership... I got lax, I got myself killed by being AFK (away from keyboard)... don't be like me. If you make a mistake in game play figure out what you did, how you got there, and chart a course to not keep the insanity going. I did over react by extracting skills. I now get to grind those up by mining slower until I get back to Exhumers on 3 of the toons. Bonus, I still had exhumers on several of them so I will be in a mix of Procurers (my fit is call Poorcurers!!!) and Skiffs.

So what did I do on Sunday afternoon, Monday, and Tuesday. I flew and blew up ships ratting by doing so more #1 and not #2... lost a Gila, two Vexors, yeah was painful. Plus side I did get better. Went to Praxis and started making ISK (okay lets not talk about spending ISK to get more ships)... Luckily when I extracted my Freighter skills on Harris (why did she have Providence, Fenrir, and Bowhead skills!!!) I was able to sell those ships for 5-7 billion ISK, which into the Rorqual.

So I applied to be in Rorqual Beans, which is Pandemic Horde's Rorqual group. I won't take the Rorqual out until I am approved as if I do I could be fined 300 million ISK (after paying the 50 million application fee). Wish me luck and if approved I could be sitting in the belt making sweet sweet ISK.

Any way that is it, just a short one today. I did contract over a small amount of ore and salvage this evening nothing great but hey, I had to get back on the horse.


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