Hey been a while...


The adventure continue... 

Apologies ... been out for a while. A few things have changed,and a few are still the same. So let's get into:

First, yes I am still mining in NullSec. Great place to mine, great ore, great adventures (even when you don't want them), and great place to make ISK. I have been piloting the Rorqual when Pankrab is green. I could stay out in max tank in yellow but then the boosts suck.  And that is what I wanted to chat about today. Some numbers from my Porpoise versus my Rorqual.

Porpoise:                103.1% Range Bonus    31KM range    38.7% Duration Reduction          
Porpoise Sieged:    110.9& Range Bonus    50KM range     41.6% Duration Reduction
Rorqual Sieged:      157.5% Range Bonus    Forever            59.1% Duration Reduction

Okay the Rorqual's range isn't forever but when sieged I have yet to find a belt it won't reach across think it is around 165KM for boosts/compression from the Rorqual's position.

These don't sound awesome until you think about it in real life/game time terms. My ORE strip miners normally take quite a while to cycle. But under non-sieged Porpoise boosts the cycle time is 99.4 seconds. The normal time is 180 seconds per cycle so almost 50% reduction. With good skills the mining amount of 800m3 in game play for me in a Mackinaw is 2234m3 per cycle which is pretty good. Mining with compounding skills (barge 5, exhumer 5, etc..) + boosts is amazing and almost halves the time while tripling the amount of ore mined per cycle. 

And that doesn't sound like much but it is helping me work towards a goal of PLEXing my 7 account for two months... so 7000 PLEX. I have already purchased 1000 this month from my mining/planetary interaction/salvaging/ratting regime. If I can get my 7 accounts PLEXed for August/September I may jump up 3 more miners. 

So setting goals is my second topic today.

On my desk's white board I have 14 blocks... when I but 2.5 billion ISK worth of 500 plex I fill in the box. Previously I set a goal of buying five Phoenix Navy issue dreadnoughts so I could get into CRABbing. First one is assembled/fitted and my alt has the skills to pilot it. The other four were purchased/constructed by a corp member. Setting goals let me work towards that objective in the game and stay on tasks.

Now I need to stay on task for 12 more iterations of PLEX for my accounts.

But goals also help keeps us from squandering our time/game money chasing random wants. Be disciplined, set a goal, work towards it with out too much deviation (when possible).

Third topic today, group play. I have been logging on to Discord and chatting with the same peeps which I think is awesome. I also have learned to invite 2-3 corp members to my boosted fleets and will even ping them when Mercoxit is up in my system. I don't mine it as then I have to swap to Deepcore Strip Miners. And yeah, no thanks. My single boxer chums can get the high pay off ore/ice and I will hit the Arkonor and Bistott.

My point is this, Eve is an MMO. Find some peeps you like to hang out with and cultivate a relationship. Makes gameplay way more fun.

Anyway, go mine and have some fun in space...


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